Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Run to You

I'm a relatively sane person a good portion of the time. I am, however, prone to bouts of complete insanity. This descent from normal R. to bat-shit crazy R. can occur quite rapidly and without warning. This generally occurs in reference to the idea of marriage. Take today, for example...

I'm out running and "I Run to You" (Lady Antebellum song) comes on my IPod. At first, I think to myself "What an appropriate song to run to" . Half a millisecond later I think to myself "Maybe I'll meet a runner and we'll get married and at our wedding we'll have this great photo montage of us running set to this song" .

How could I possibly still be single with brilliant ideas like this?!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm a Runner

For most of my life I didn't run. I got out of running the track during gym class in high school because a) I thought running was boring and b) I couldn't breathe and nearly vomited up my own lung when I did try to run. Fast forward 10 years...I have a friend who loves to run and convinces me to give it a try. I do try- and one week later run my first 10k. One week after that I run another 10k. Then I get busy and running and I end our love affair. Fast forward one more year to present day...the love affair is back on and stronger than ever. I mean really hot and heavy. Fast runs, slow runs, intervals...THIS IS TRUE PASSION!! And this time the committment is there! I've been at it for about a month now and it's going great. I plan to run my first half marathon in SF in Febuary, then hopefully train for a full.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yoga and Sensory Deprivation

I met a guy a few months ago while out West Coast Swing dancing who clearly was interested in me but just recently pulled the trigger and asked me out. The following is a portion of the conversation we had about what to do on our date...
Me: Do you like sushi?
WCS Guy: Yes, love it. I was also thinking of inviting you to come to my yoga class with me. (*side note- I think men who do yoga are pussies. I have many guy friends who do yoga, so I'm sure I'm going to get in trouble for saying that)
Me: I don't like yoga.
WCS Guy: Are you sure?
Me: Yes. I once attempted yoga on a beach in Mexico at sunset with a hot Argentinian yoga instructor. I hated it. If I hated it then chances are yoga is not my thing.
WCS Guy: Well ok then. Well, um, how about after dinner we go to this place that has sensory deprivation tanks?
Me: Oh dear...

Seriously? He might as well have just asked me to Fed-Ex him my box.