Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Ill Fated Set Up

A couple of months ago I was lamenting my lack of a love life to a friend and her husband (shocking that I would be complaining about such a thing, I know) and my friend's husband informed me that he worked with someone who he thought would be fantastic for me and had just been waiting for the right time to introduce him to me.  Time went by and I heard nothing further on the topic.  This past weekend, I was hanging out again with my friend and her husband and I inquired about this lovely fellow I was to be set up with.  And what did I find out, you ask?

"Sorry, R...it turns out the guy I wanted to set you up with is currently dating a man."

FML.  That just happened.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Like Unicorns

About a month ago I went on a date with a guy who brought me a present.

I had recently broken up with my boyfriend, the engineer, and had decided to give good old internet dating another try. I was feeling a bit down after my breakup and was approaching dating as more of a 'something-to-do' than a 'way-to-get-a-ring.' A guy sent me an email and I responded with one long run-on sentence about my cats, their fleas and my devastation over said fleas. (I was really trying to impress, clearly.) Apparently he was quite amused by my candor and responded by telling me that discussing my fleas was far more interesting than the usual "This is what I do for work, this is what I like to drink, I like unicorns." I let him know I LOVED unicorns. So, of course, he asked me out.

We met at a very nice, fairly expensive restaurant and, immediately after being seated, he quickly informed me that he had something for me. Was it flowers? Chocolates? Not quite. It was a My Little Pony unicorn. He slapped it right down on our nice tablecloth in all it's magical glory. It was fabulous, this unicorn. It even came with its own comb. In preparation for our date, he informed me, he had gone to 3 different toy stores looking for this magnificent bounty.

It was a good date, but despite the unicorn there wasn't much magic. Too bad, I like a man who doesn't show up for a date empty-handed.

Reflecting on the past

This morning I was recalling the time that I spent 3 months dating a homeless meth addict who was deathly allergic to my cats. This actually happened. For 3 months. I really have nowhere to go with this story, just reflecting on what my 20's looked like.