Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Abnormal Psych

Work has been incredibly stressful lately. Last night I was sleeping at my boyfriend's house and I woke up at 1am. After agonizing about stuff at work for about an hour and not being to fall back asleep, I decided that it was time that he didn't sleep either and I started talking to him. After a few minutes he got up, grabbed a flashlight and started digging in his closet for something. He eventually found what he was looking for and got back in bed.

(What was he looking for, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.)

He was looking for his abnormal psychology book from college. Once back in bed, he pulls the blankets back up over both of us, puts his arm around me, opens up the book to the section about anxiety, and proceeds to read the highlighted portions to me. It was completely absurd (or maybe completely appropriate- same difference) and I couldn't help but laugh. I immediately relaxed and, after a little reading and a particularly good 'discussion' about Glee, I fell happily back to sleep.

Brilliant boyfriend.

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