"It just got sexy."
(After I lit candles)
(When asked if he had a lucky/favorite number)
"Are you ready, gorgeous, to kneel down in front of me?"
(After offering me a back massage)
"I missed you quite a bit actually. Roughly as much as Justin Bieber will miss his girl voice in a year or two."
(When asked if he missed me while I was in Italy for 2 weeks)
"Don't tease me about the market - a man just needs to do some local, organic, free-trade, free-range, vegan, carbon-negative nectarine shopping once in a while."
(After being gently mocked for loving the farmer's market)
Ok,so really I'm not at all caught off guard because I'm always desperately waiting (with a pen somewhere nearby) for men to drop these beauties so I can share them with you. More to come I'm sure.