Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Hear You Might Not Want Her

I am 2 days into the new school year and already fully prepared to drown myself in the bathtub. I serve 3 elementary schools. Last year, I made my own schedule. I decided what school I would go to on what day of the week. It worked well for me and for the schools. This year I was given a schedule which I knew did not work for any of the sites I serve. (The schedule doesn't work for me either, but I digress.) I tried to explain this to my boss to no avail. The following emails reflect what I'm dealing with-

From my boss:
Please let me handle this. Your days are assigned, not chosen, so there is really nothing you can do regading the situation. Thanks. Have a great day with the kids.

From the principal of one elementary school to the principal of another elementary school. I was cc'ed:
Hi David,
I am hoping you can help me. I have R. scheduled on Monday and Thursday. We traded from our regular Wednesday schedule without checking our SST meeting schedule. We have SST meetings Wednesday mornings. Could we talk about trading if it would work with you. I hear you might not want her on Wednesdays.

I feel like a fucking baseball card!

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